August 15, 2024

Ellie Version 6.9 - Search 2.0

Stan Dmitriev
Head of Prototype Team

Ellie 6.9 is about making it easier to help our customers find any artifact they have in their Ellie environment.

Why’re We Doing This?

The more you use Ellie, the harder it becomes to find the things you want.

We’ve had our largest customers request ways to filter and identify glossary items and models. But our research showed that no single filter could enable our customers to effectively do this.

And adding new filters wasn’t a sustainable solution.

We chose a more flexible solution — to add custom search rules and filters.

This does change the search experience on Ellie, for the better.

Ellie already supports custom metadata for glossary entities. This is a functionality that we’ll soon add to other Ellie artifacts — collections and models.

We’ve designed our advanced search to able to take advantage of such custom metadata to make it intuitive to find what you need in Ellie.

The All New ‘Quick Search’

Click into the search bar to trigger the new “quick search”. You can immediately see the latest elements that have been used in the organization.

The updated “quick search” has gone through a major design refresh as well, and now provides detailed information about the results.

You won't have to guess where a certain model or entity is located, or the model type.

It follows our overall design philosophy of providing critical information at a glance.

Advanced Search

If you can’t find your results in the quick search, press “enter” to access the new advanced search options.

Here, you can search by collection, type, creator, status, and — most important — metadata.

You’ll already be familiar with some of these filters from the models and glossary page.

What’s new is the “where” and “created by” filters. Ellie has been tracking who creates a model or an entity since Ellie 6.7.

Search Using Metadata

Use the “where” filter to browse all metadata fields that can be used as a search parameter. You can set specific rules as well.

Even custom metadata fields available in your organization will appear as search parameters. Currently, the search logic is the “AND” operator. This means the search returns results that meet all the rules you’ve used.

We will expand on this in later updates.

Your queries are added to the url, and you can share your search with colleagues by sharing the link.

What You Can Do Now & Where We’re Going

Metadata search enables users to group artifacts in ways that weren't possible before.

For instance, if you add a unifying parameter to the description of your artifacts — say “CRM Project”, a search for this parameter will return all elements that have this tag. It doesn’t matter if it’s a model, a collection, or an entity.

We will work on adding more metadata functionality in Ellie this year, not just for glossary entities but also for models and collections.

This will enable you to add tags and custom fields across all core artifacts to connect them for the purpose of finding what you need.

If you have any questions or if you have any suggestions on the functionality, contact us directly from your environment, or email us at